To my young journalists, you are outstanding! Keep writing and soaring!
---Mr. Castro-Resident Writer 2010-2011

Our Voices and African Heritage On-line Blog
and writer residency program has been founded/ created and maintained by Mr. Castro since 2006, in an effort to infuse journalism/literacy/media with technology. Program participants learn Creative Writing, Journalism, Media (public relations) and Leadership within the writer residency program. Program participants also study African American/Hispanic Writer’s.

Each program participant involved in the writer residency workshops, earn leadership roles within the journalism structure. In addition, he welcomes any additional student to write for the blog. Additional links and alternate attached blogs have been founded/created by Mr. Castro through his writer residency program to enhance the
on-line magazine.
Through Mr. Castro's writer residency program, he invites guest speakers in an effort to empower our youth by sharing their journeys.

~#1 Writing, Media and Leadership Program~